Energy Kettlebell Fitness Academy


Mental Preparation & expectations for Competitions

Kettlebell Sport, also known as Girevoy Sport (GS), is a highly challenging power-endurance feat of a cyclical nature. Lifters success involves technique, flexibility, strength and power, proper breathing patterns, aerobic capacity, stability and mental focus.  As opposed to Olympic or Power Lifting, Girevoy Sport requires an athlete to lift a sub-maximal load, completing as many […]

Mental Preparation & expectations for Competitions Read More »

Kettlebell Training – Patience pays, Fitness is not quick fix!

How fast you need the results? Why? In general when you start any fitness program, members expect the results to come at faster pace, however the results which have come at fast pace, drops quickly too. The most important and toughest part in fitness training is to maintain the conditioning for which I say “Train

Kettlebell Training – Patience pays, Fitness is not quick fix! Read More »