If you were the coach of the Indian cricket team, would you ask Virat Kohli to sit out of a World Cup final without a good reason?
Of course not!
It makes no sense to leave your strongest player out of the game.
Would you leave your strongest muscles out of your training program?
Of course not!
It makes no sense not to train your strongest muscles.
The strongest muscles in the human body are all on the rear.
The butt (the glutes).
The back of the thighs (the hamstrings).
The back (the lats, the rhomboid, and the traps).
The calves (the soleus and the gastrocnemius).
But there’s a BIG problem: the modern lifestyle relentlessly weakens these muscles.
Because we spend most of our time sitting.
We sit in the office while working.
We sit in the car while driving..
We sit on the couch while watching TV.
When we sit, these muscles have nothing to do.
Over time, they learn that they don’t NEED to do anything.
And they lose their strength and co-ordination.
This is VERY BAD.
It opens the door to aches, pains, and injuries.
We want to fix this ASAP!
Ballistic exercises with kettlebells target these muscles very well.
The swing.
The clean.
The high pull.
The snatch.
They teach the body to work the way it is designed – using the strongest muscles, which are all on the rear.
Over time, the body’s capability to move well is restored.
It will show in your posture.
Have you ever met a person for the first time, and felt sure that they were fit?
They probably had good posture.
Your posture will be good, too.
It will show in your energy levels.
Have you ever felt tired standing or walking for a long time? Maybe you were waiting in a queue, or standing on a bus. Or maybe you went on a trek.
You will no longer feel tired when your strongest muscles work together to support your body when you’re standing or walking.
It will show in your strength.
Have you ever struggled to improve your performance in the gym or on the sport court?
Your performance will naturally and effortlessly improve as your strongest muscles get stronger and co-ordinate well with each other.
Kettlebells are fantastic for the strongest muscles in your body, and thus your posture.
Try it and see!